Monday, February 5, 2018

Announcing the Lola Retreat 2018: A weekend of inspired money talk for women only

After reading last week’s article about how couples can manage money together, MeganS left this comment in the discussion:

Has anyone ever heard of a money boot camp? My husband & I are doing Whole 30 right now and its been great to spend the month focused on our diet and bodies. But I really want to do the same thing with our finances! I’m looking for some sort of framework to give us some steps to get organized.

In response, I suggested MeganS check out the Lola Retreat, which isn’t really a financial boot camp…but serves a similar purpose. I think the Lola Retreat might appeal to many of the women who read Get Rich Slowly, so today I’m going to share a bit more about it.

Trivia: Did you know that the readership of Get Rich Slowly 3.0 skews largely female? It’s true! Since I returned to the site in October, stats show that women outnumber men at the site by a significant margin.

The Lola Retreat

This year, two of my favorite people are again collaborating on what they call “a bold money event for bold women”. They’re hosting the second annual Lola Retreat the weekend of April 27-29 in New York City.

Here’s how the website describes it:

The Lola Retreat isn’t about doing money like your mother did. It’s about facing your fears, owning your dreams and figuring out a plan to be in control of your finances. It’s going to be two (and a half!) days filled with deep discussion, impactful workshops, delicious snacks + drinks and the chance to connect with other like-minded women.

We’ll be hearing from some of the boldest, bravest, funniest women in finance on topics like under-earning, love + money, and financial anxiety. You’ll get to learn from a group of experts on the fundamentals of investing, retirement, debt repayment, home ownership, and budgeting.

Each part of the retreat has been designed to bring you financial confidence, accountability, and a roadmap that you can put into action the moment you get home.

Lola Retreat

I have a deep respect for the two women who are organizing the Lola Retreat. I admire them both personally and professionally. Allow me to give you a brief intro:

  • Melanie Lockert is the brains behind Dear Debt, a blog about breaking up with debt. Dear Debt is a place for Melanie (and her readers) to share their first-hand experiences with money…in the form of actual letters. It’s a novel concept, and one that connects with a lot of people. Melanie turned her blog into a fantastic little book by the same name. In her spare time — what spare time? — she works behind the scenes for a handful of other folks in the personal-finance world.
  • Emma Pattee is one of the masterminds who puts on the Camp Mustache events around the U.S. More than that, she’s a hard-working writer and marketer with an interest in real-estate investing and financial independence. Emma likes beer almost as much as I like beer. (Before Kim and I moved last summer, Emma and I walked our dogs together every Tuesday morning.)

Lola Retreat

Here’s more about the Lola Retreat:

Emma and I are feminists. There, we said it. We believe in the power of women and we believe women should be equal to men.

Not only that, but we believe that women should have equal access to opportunities as men. We want to fight the gender pay gap, prepare for uncertain times ahead, and empower women to get in control of their money so they can do whatever they damn please, whenever they damn want.

Money is all about freedom. Control. Access. Choices. Through the Lola Retreat, we aim to empower and teach women about money. And there is no better time than now.

This year’s Lola Retreat costs $475. If you buy your ticket before February 28th using the code EARLYBIRD, you’ll get a $50 discount.

Interested in attending but can’t afford it? Apply for a scholarship to the Lola Retreat. (Scholarship selection is anonymous and not based on whether or not you’ve purchased a ticket.)

If you want to meet like-minded women to learn more about money, I urge to you to attend. And tell them I sent you! (Note: I have nothing to do with the Lola Retreat. I just think Melanie and Emma are awesome, and I think this sounds like an amazing event. Last year‘s attendees loved it.)

The post Announcing the Lola Retreat 2018: A weekend of inspired money talk for women only appeared first on Get Rich Slowly.

Via Finance

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