Sunday, November 5, 2017

Luxury is a state of mind: An awesome home-made car commercial

I told you I wouldn’t be able to stay away until Monday’s official restart date!

While browsing Facebook this quiet Sunday morning, I saw this awesome home-made car commercial. It’s personal. It’s fun. It has better production values than many actual car commercials.

This is just your run-of-the-mill used car. It’s a 1996 Honda Accord with 141,095 miles on it. (My girlfriend Kim drives a 1997 Accord with 227,000 miles, so I’m very familiar with this vehicle.) But this is not your run-of-the-mill used car ad. Because the couple that’s selling this vehicle put some time and effort into this ad, they’re going to sell it for a lot of money.

As I write this on Sunday morning, the eBay listing for the car is at $150,000. That’s a bogus bid, obviously, which is too bad. (The couple will have to relist this from scratch, I think, after the auction ends on Thursday.) But it’s an example of what smart marketing can do.

Back when I was getting out of debt, I sold a ton of stuff on eBay and Craigslist. I made good money doing it, generally bringing in 50% to 100% more than other people were getting for similar listings. How? I provided tons of info, great photos, and a personal touch. Most listings in online ads are boring. Mine weren’t. I was thorough, honest, and fun. As a result, people were willing to buy my stuff.

I never produced a home-made car commercial like this one, though. If I ever need to sell my beloved Mini Cooper, I’ll remember this. (The clutch died on my Mini on Saturday afternoon, by the way. Kim and I were driving home with a growler of beer, and the car conked out on the 16% grade near our house. Kim walked home with the beer while a local Good Samaritan towed me back to the house. Good thing I have an emergency fund!)

The post Luxury is a state of mind: An awesome home-made car commercial appeared first on Get Rich Slowly.

Via Finance

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