Thursday, November 2, 2017

Hello from the other side!

If you’re seeing this, it’s because the Get Rich Slowly server transfer has propagated to your corner of the internet.

As I write this, it’s 14:39 Thursday afternoon in Portland, Oregon. Five minutes ago, I “flipped the switch” for the final step in the transfer of this site from its former owners back to me. This action takes some time to spread across the internet. For some of you, the switch will be almost instantaneous. For others, it may take a few days. In any event, I fully expect that the site will be back to normal by Monday, November 6th. That’s the day I plan to resume normal operations here. (Although, honestly, I might start publishing things before then.)

Some things to note:

  • Even after the server goes live, it’ll be a few weeks before I settle into a routine around here. I appreciate your patience as I rediscover what it’s like to blog full time.
  • The current layout of this site is an interim design. It’s a hybrid of my Money Boss design and the always-awesome But it’s temporary. Tomorrow (Friday), I’m talking with some pro web designers. Over the next few months, they’ll whip up something better. In the meantime, if you notice anything strange, please let me know. Especially on mobile.
  • I’ll be tweaking things around here over the next few weeks. There may be temporary outages. There will certainly be periods where the site looks goofy. If things look wrong for an extended period, please let me know.
  • One of my goals is to collect the best money info from all corners of the internet. If you have a favorite podcast, blog, or — especially — YouTube channel, let me know in the comments below.
  • If you’ve subscribed to Get Rich Slowly in the past, that info is no longer valid. I don’t have access to any previous email lists — even if you subscribed yesterday. You’ll have to subscribe again. I’m sorry, but there’s no way around this.
  • This post will probably go away by Monday. It’s just a temporary thing while the site transition resolves.

I am really excited about being back at Get Rich Slowly. I look forward to sharing the best money info from all corners of the web — and beyond. Please help me help you. Drop me a line when you find anything that other GRS readers should know about. Thanks!

The post Hello from the other side! appeared first on Get Rich Slowly.

Via Finance

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