Saturday, March 10, 2018

GRS Theater: J.D. on the Mo’ Money Podcast

Last autumn, I was intrigued by the Money 20/20 Payments Race, which pitted five folks in a race across North America. The catch? Each racer was restricted to one form of payment. One guy could use only gold, another gal use only Bitcoin. Other racers had to use only cash or only credit cards.

The surprising result? The Bitcoin racer won and the gold racer came in second. How was that even possible? (Answer: It isn’t really possible in the real world, but if a group of people are working together to solve a one-time problem, then all bets are off.)

Turn outs, I met one of the racers the following week at Fincon, the annual conference for financial media. Jessica Moorhouse finished fourth in the Money 20/20 Payments Race using a “chip and PIN” card.

Chatting with Moorhouse, I was impressed. She’s smart and witty and fun. Later, I checked out her blog and her podcast, both of which are about balancing money and life. (Because Moorhouse lives in Canada, her platforms have a Canadian twist that I find refreshing.)

Naturally, I was pleased to be a recent guest on Jessica’s “Mo’ Money Podcast”. We had an entertaining conversation about money — and lots of other stuff. You can follow that link to listen to the audio interview, or jump to the three-minute mark of the YouTube video below to watch us in action:

This is an unusual interview. Jessica and I hit it off right away. So, while we do talk about about personal finance and money management, we also get side-tracked talking by random topics such as my writing studio and her film-school experience.

Some of the questions I answer in this interview include:

  • Why did I start Get Rich Slowly? What was my financial life like? How did writing Get Rich Slowly change me?
  • What is financial independence? What is early retirement? How are they different? Is financial independence one particular thing? Or are there different kinds of financial independence?
  • Why is purpose so important? How is it important to both people who have already retired and those who are still working?
  • Why don’t I like it when people set debt reduction or financial independence as goals? Why do I see them as side effects? Why do I care about this distinction?
  • Why it’s important to be both proactive and adaptable. It’s important to be self-directed, but don’t be so locked into your plans that you’re blind to opportunity and unwilling to adapt.

I don’t always like my interview appearances, but I do like this one. I feel like it captures my personality while also allowing me to spread the message of Get Rich Slowly.

The post GRS Theater: J.D. on the Mo’ Money Podcast appeared first on Get Rich Slowly.

Via Finance

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