Thursday, March 1, 2018

Back to normal (mostly)

Hey, everybody. Just a quick note to let you know that Get Rich Slowly is ready to resume normal operations…sort of.

I took the past week off to work on business stuff behind the scenes. Turns out that there’s way more to do than I had expected — and I had expected a lot. My attention really does need to move from the editorial aspect of this site to the business aspect.

Having said that, I’m not willing to just abandon you, the readers. Besides, I made an audacious goal of publishing 500 articles at Get Rich Slowly in 2018!

After talking with some trusted advisers, I think I’ve found a solution.

  • I’ve assembled a small team to help me work on the business stuff over the next couple of weeks (or months). Kathleen and Michael are both long-time friends and GRS fans. I’m bringing them on as paid consultants to help me tackle some of the biggest issues.
  • To relieve some of the burden on the editorial side of things, I’m going to severely curtail new material. It won’t vanish completely, but it won’t be the focus for the next few weeks.
  • Rather than leave this blog barren, I’ll accelerate the process of migrating my Money Boss articles to GRS. I had been moving them at the rate of about one per week. That’ll jump to 4-5 articles per week. If you’ve read through the Money Boss archives, you’ll have seen this material before. If not, it’ll be new stuff.

So, that’s the plan: Reduce new material, but fill the gap with articles moved from Money Boss. Meanwhile, bring on help so that we can take care of the business stuff more quickly.

One side effect of all this is that I’m currently much more interested in guest posts than I usually would be. If you have a guest article that you believe would be beneficial to GRS readers, let me know. (And, as always, if you have a question for the readers or a “reader story” you’d like to share, feel free to submit it!)

We’ll resume normal operations tomorrow with Kamie’s update on her year-long no-shopping experiment…

The post Back to normal (mostly) appeared first on Get Rich Slowly.

Via Finance

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