Thursday, February 22, 2018

Status Update

Just a quick note to let you all know that my “work vacation” is going well. I’m in the middle of 7-10 days off from publishing new money articles here to focus exclusively on the business side of the blog. So far, so good. I’m getting tons done because I know I don’t have to worry about writing new material.

As part of this, I’m working on some of the behind-the-scenes infrastructure around here.

  • We’re going to change the way Get Rich Slowly URLs display, moving from the old date-based format to a more modern title-only format. In theory, this should be straightforward — but you never know. Things may be a little messy now and then.
  • We’re also going to move GRS to a secure server so that URLs will now start with https: instead of http:. Again, this should be easy but we also realize there may be some bumps along the way.
  • Yes, re-implementing the forums are also on the task list. We’re having some issues with the database. Hang in there!
  • Now that I’m back at GRS, readers are once again sending me tons of links, videos, and story ideas. To reduce the mess in my main inbox, I’ve created a new email address for this sort of thing. If you want to send in something for me to write about, use editorial at getrichslowly (.org not .com).

Those are some of the front-facing changes, but there’s also tons of work under the hood too. For instance, I just got a notice from Google this morning that they believe GRS has too many broken outbound links in old articles. Fixing those is a colossal task, and it’s but one example of the kinds of repairs we’re making.

At this point, it’s looking to me as if my “time away from publishing” is going to be on the longer end of my estimate. I may post an occasional article now and then, but regular publishing won’t resume for at least a week (March 1st), and there’s a chance that I won’t be back until Monday the 5th.

The post Status Update appeared first on Get Rich Slowly.

Via Finance

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