Monday, December 4, 2017

Lessons from the kid who sold the most Girl Scout cookies in Brooklyn

The Cut has an awesome short interview with 8-year-old Amira Williams, who recently sold 1514 boxes of Girl Scout cookies, making her the top cookie-seller in Brooklyn, New York.

Selling Girl Scout Cookies

Among Amira’s tips: keep your pitch simple, follow the foot traffic, practice effective merchandising, and stay focused on your goals. Here’s what she had to say about picking a spot to sell:

Just like the old real estate adage — “location, location, location” — Amira stressed the importance of setting up shop in high foot traffic areas, especially during the times of day when people are the hungriest. “I set up my table in crowded spaces like outside of churches on a Sunday,” says Amira. “Also, nearby block parties, school parties, and the Greenlight Bookstore [in Fort Greene].”

Long-time readers know I’m an avid supporter of child entrepreneurs. It’s great to read stories of kids learning about business — and making money.

Related reading: 10-year-old Cambridge boy feeds homeless — one meal at a time

The post Lessons from the kid who sold the most Girl Scout cookies in Brooklyn appeared first on Get Rich Slowly.

Via Finance

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