Tuesday, December 19, 2017

A Christmas Rhapsody

Just a quick note that Get Rich Slowly is on Christmas break. For the next two weeks, I’ll be posting infrequently — if at all. I’ll update the “spare change” links now and then, but I don’t plan to publish new full-length articles until early January.

Kim and I have decided that next week is dedicated time off from work. We’ll enjoy some quality time together with our dog and three cats. We’ll paint a few rooms in our new house, work on some projects outside, and discuss our shared plans for the future.

Plus, I’ll be traveling during the first half of January. I’m flying to Orlando to participate in both weekends of Camp FI (formerly Camp Mustache), a retreat for folks to discuss financial independence and early retirement. I won’t have much time to write while I’m on the road, so I need to prep for my absence now.

My hope is that this self-imposed blogging break will also give me time to take care of some lingering tasks, such as restoring the GRS forums, setting up the GRS email list, and more.

In the meantime, enjoy this short 1948 film from Encyclopedia Britannica called Christmas Rhapsody.

It’s corny as can be — but fun: “Now he knew that of all the forest, he had been chosen to bring joy to the world.” Hahaha.

If you have any questions or concerns, be sure to drop me a line. In the meantime: Happy holidays! I’ll see you in January.

The post A Christmas Rhapsody appeared first on Get Rich Slowly.

Via Finance http://www.rssmix.com/

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